Development of [Chainsring][Hoist][Sringchain][Coil tong][Coil riftar] etc. vehicular equipment including [Clamp][Tong][Riftar][glove] as hang tool.

EAGLE CLAMP japanenes
HOME PRODUCT Correct handing and inspection of clamps safe clamp use mechanism of clamps
Model E
Model AMS
Model GE
Model SBBE
Model SBE
Model ECC
Model TWE
Model CDE
Model UGH
Model MSA
SBBE All-direction lifting.

Product Information
    Lifting, turning over, moving, suspending, tensioning, and clamping fixtures.
    Marvelous, universal high-technology clamp which does the work of several models, all by itself.


Marked with a line to confirm that the bolt is clamping
 1. Vertical lifting of flat steel plates.
 2. Vertical lifting of oddly shaped steel plates.
 3. Horizontal lifting of thick steel plates.
 4. Lifting flanged steel.
 5. Lifting H steel at an angle.
 6. Lifting oddly shaped, flanged steel at an angle.
 7. Lifting large steel pipes.

Vertical,horizontal and tilted lifting
A new clamp, developed from new ideas, is the furst of its kind in the world.
All-direction, universal lifting clamp which sets new srandards for clamps.

This clamp is very different from ordinary clamp and screw-type clamps.
We will describe each section of the clamp in detail, explaning clearly why Eagle's sbbe
model all-direction lifting clamp can safety be used to lift objects vertically, horizonally,
crosswise or at an angle.


How to attach the clamps and how to use them.
1. Loosem the clamping screw, and open the clamp opening until it is slightly wider than the thickness of the steel item to be lifted.
2. Insert the edge of the steel item deeps into the clamp opening.
3. Secure the clamp on the item using the clamping screw.
When tightening the clamping screw, special care should be taken not to tilt the swivel jaw.
4. Tighten the clamping screw sufficiently so that the spring built into the pressure nut can work properly to provide a secure grip. (Tightening torque : 150 kg-cm or more)
Double check that the clamping safety check line (the red ring) is not visible. It should remain completely hidden inside the main body. Then start the lifting operation.
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